Friday, May 9, 2008

Wife Beater Onesie

In yesterday’s blog I mentioned Lincoln’s wife beater onesie. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the wife beater, it is a thin white V-neck T-shirt that a certain type of man wears (usually stretched to the max over his enormous beer gut and hairy chest). I became scarred for life by this term many years ago while living with my dad who went from lounging around the house in a designer monogrammed robe to a wife beater T-shirt and tighty whiteys shortly after the divorce from my mom. I am pretty sure he is back to looking his usual Rico Suave now that another good woman is in his life. Ha, ha!

A few months ago, Lincoln (my two year old, for those of you who don’t know him) began “exploring” in his pants. This exploring quickly turned into an all-day event. I know I probably shouldn’t allow him to spend the day digging into his drawers, but I actually find it kind of funny and cute for some odd reason (and, what man doesn’t spend at least part of the day in the same way). Soon this all-day event became most fun for my little genital-obsessed monkey at night. He would wedge his hand so far down his pajama bottoms that in the mornings he would no longer have a diaper on. His #5 Pampers was now pushed all the way down one pant leg and his bed was soaked. After three mornings in a row, I decided I had to do something. My husband was threatening to get out his duct tape!

This is where having a network of fellow mommy friends comes in real handy (no pun intended). I was explaining the problem to a friend of ours who also has a 2 yr. old son, and she suggested putting him to bed in a onesie instead of pajamas. Brilliant! So that day I went to Target in search of a 24-month size onesie. Well, they don’t come in cute little patterns, colors, or with little baseballs on them. Nope! They only come in wife beater white! But guess what, those beautiful little crotch snaps that I once cursed for being so difficult to undo, became my heroes. Lincoln wasn’t too thrilled to have his ACCESS DENIED! Sorry, buddy. The sheets are dry once again and all is right in my world.

Gotta do diaper duty!


lemondog said...

Well now you gotta show us a photo of Linc in his onesie!!! Last summer at the school where I teach we only had one t-shirt in the size most of the boys in my class wore...yep, a wife beater. It was AWFUL too! So whenever we had to change clothes and the parent had forgotten to provide a spare set, we went to the wife beater. I just loved seeing the looks on those Belle Meade mamas' faces when little Junior (or Quad, remember him???) came strolling out wearing the bright blue wifebeater!

Oh, and off the subject, I just read your profile and I notice you left BARRY off your list of fave musicians. What are you thinking??? Ah, the stories I could tell. Hehe.


P.S. There was a photo in our local paper the other day of some famous filmaker from here, and they showed a pic of him back when he went to J.T. Moore and I SWEAR Lauren is standing right behind him!!! Would have been in the mid-late 80s. I will have to send it to you.

Anonymous said...

Whatever works! Dry sheets are worth sacrificing the pretty patterns....never thought we would think that way now, did we!?