Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life Has Been Crazy!

Top Ten Reasons Why 2008 = STRESS

10. Bedrest due to pregnancy complications
9. Birth of Carter (although a joyous event, it added stress)
8. Getting no sleep! Feeding the baby at all hours.
7. Husband’s two trips to Texas, leaving me with the kids alone
6. House construction! Daycare lady in Iran, so I had both kids home during this time and we stayed with inlaws for a week (that part was actually fun, although it displaced us).
5. Giving away the dog (although we found him an awesome home)
4. Putting the house on the market (it sold in 4 hours, but then we wanted it back and couldn’t get it back)
3. Losing my job (being told my position was vacated/going without pay since March)
2. Losing daycare because it’s just too far from the new house and she doesn’t open early enough for my new job (high school starts much earlier)
1. Deciding NOT to go to Texas, moving into an apartment, house hunting (Husband and I almost killed each other), choosing a home, going through all the inspections, etc., and now moving again in 2 weeks. Oh, I forgot to add in husband’s vasectomy and subsequent ball pain! (Should I remind him of the combined 30+ hours of labor I went through?)

Top Ten Reasons Why 2008 = HAPPINESS

10. Lincoln is talking up a storm! Our worries of autism are over!
9. Husband got a new 2008 Dodge Charger with a V8 Hemi engine (yay, no more mold smell!)
8. Got to see dad and Clare after Carter’s birth & lots of visits by my mom.
7. Husband going back to patrol (which sucks, but it’s awesome because it means way more money!)
6. David Cook won American Idol!
5. My new job! High school here I come!!
4. Our new house!!!
3. Our health! We are all healthy, which is the biggest blessing.
2. The birth of Carter!!!
1. We are going to church! It feels so great to go to church (not to mention, the hour we get to spend without the kids while they are in Sunday School!) I love singing praise songs and hearing a great message. It really has been wonderful.

*Note - after reading this, my husband commented that going back to the road was not a positive thing because it means he will not see us as much. It will be difficult, but we will make it work, and there is the whole "more money" thing, which hopefully will make it worth it.

Gotta do diaper duty!

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