First, Lincoln contracted the Spoon Disease. It's not fatal or contagious, but it does have some weird side effects. His love for cutlery is an all-day affair. From the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep, he must have at least one spoon with him at all times. He takes them from room to room. He takes them in the car. He takes them to daycare. He even takes them in the pool. When he takes them to the park, they get to ride down the slide and swing in the swings.
Next, he picked up the mysterious "Man Hat" syndrome. This one is very rare and has the potential to be deadly (i.e. the man's very sharp pointy nose). Grandma is to blame...yeah, let's blame her. She purchased these adorable dive sticks for Lincoln's baths. You are supposed to throw them into the pool and dive down to retrieve them. Lincoln loves them. There is a yellow (wea-wo) octopus, a green turtle, a pink crab, and a blue penguin wearing a hat. The penguin soon became known as "Man Hat". Man Hat travelled from the bath into the bedroom and now goes wherever Lincoln goes.
After Man Hat came Boy Hat, a little rubbery Fisher Price boy wearing a yellow plaid hat. Lincoln contracted this from daycare and hasn't given it back. Boy Hat ends up on the floor a lot post tantrums.
The latest sickness, I mean addiction, I mean "addition" was a piece from Lincoln's transportation "zip-po" (puzzle) - a green car. The green car ailment is totally benign and comes and goes with random frequency. Other ailments in this family are the ambulance, helicopter, motorcycle, and train, but they have not attacked Lincoln's cells yet.
The Book Bug also frequents our house. Lincoln must carry at least one book with him along with spoons, Man Hat, Boy Hat, green car, and several "cookie letters". These cookie letters are organic (oh, how not me) cookies with letters on them and Cookie Monster on the box. Lincoln demands them every morning and a few stow-aways end up riding with us to daycare.
The funniest thing about Lincoln's "comfort object" thingy, for lack of a better term, is when he tries to carry all of these items at the same time. You would think it would be impossible, but somehow he manages to stuff all these objects under his armpits and in his hands. I will try to get a better picture of this, but at this time Lincoln is not too keen on the paparazzi!
Also, for your viewing pleasure - check out this little video I made on Sunday morning. I am so proud of myself for learning how to upload on you tube! Email me and let me know if you can get it to load! My dad couldn't get it to load on his new iphone!
Gotta do diaper duty! Wait, how did Man Hat get in there?
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