It was so cute...last night Lincoln and I were saying his prayers together the way we end each day. First we sing a little song:
Thank you, Jesus
Thank you, Jesus
For this day
For this day
For my many blessings
For my many blessings
Lincoln always helps with the last word of each line. He says "Jeez" for Jesus, loves to shout out "DAY!" and calls blessings "sings". Then I prompt him by saying, "God bless..." and he replies "DADDY!" at the top of his lungs (directly into my ear). Daddy is followed by "Baby Audrey", a baby at daycare. Then I say, "and baby..." "CARTER!" he says. He always forgets to say Mommy, but I remind him. Then he moves onto the grandparents. PopPop is a favorite, followed by Gran and Grandma. I prompt again, "and Grandpa..." "TONY!" he says with enthusiasm, and "CC!" another one of his favorite words.
Now usually CC is followed by Aunt Lauren, and "CANDI!" and finally "Milder" for his cousin Miller. But last night, after CC, Lincoln added a new family member...Joe. Who the heck is Joe?? There is no Joe at daycare. There is no Joe in our family. There isn't even a Joe on TV, except for Little Joe in VeggieTales "The Ballad of Little Joe", but he hasn't watched that one in months. Hmmm....ok, God bless Joe!
Later that night, my husband and I were sitting on the couch recounting the day, and he told me about the funniest thing. He said he has been teaching Lincoln to say "Hey Joe!" in the car every day on the way to daycare. You see, my husband is not so good with names. All this time he thought our daycare lady's husband's name was Joe. It's actually John...not so hard to remember considering his step dad's name is John and Lincoln's middle name is John. I cracked up! So that is where Lincoln got the name Joe.
On another note, we have reached the point of needing to watch our potty mouths! Lincoln now repeats everything! Last night before the whole prayer thing, I was getting ready to put the kids in the tub when Carter threw up all down my leg. My reaction was to say "Oh shit!" to which Lincoln repeated "Oh shit!" Guess when I say my prayers I need to ask first for forgiveness for my language, and second for help in those "Oh shit" moments. What else could I have said when warm spit up was spilling down my leg? I know, I'll repeat after Sister Mary David back at St. Cecilia, who when we were being bad would repeat quietly to herself, "God bless the children". Yeah, ok! Hey, I'll work on it.
P.S. If your name isn't on Lincoln's list of prayers, I apologize! We can only prolong bedtime for so long, people! :)
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